Professional colorguard educational videos for students, instructors, and enthusiasts.
Trusted by thousands of performers & instructors around the world. 🏳️
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$15 / month
A full video library containing all course videos available on TGWS Academy! Updated weekly.
This Rifle Tech includes PDF's detailing toss information for singles to sevens! Complete with peak, release, and catch counts to make sure you fully understand each toss!
Master 10 essential flag tosses that are widely used in colorguard! Learn fundamental techniques, gain insights into making tosses perfect, and elevate your overall flag skill!
This all-encompassing course is designed to take your flag skills to the next level with technique exercises, concept explanations, and a whole chapter of tosses to make sure you have a FULL understanding of how to spin a flag!
Elite-level colorguard exercises that bring a deeper understanding of the art to you. 0 – 100 at your pace.
This course is designed to help you begin, learn, and master your sabre technique!
Learn all about colorguard; the multi-faceted art and sport hybrid that's as challenging as it is rewarding! The perfect course for any enthusiast, performer, instructor, parent, or anyone in between wanting to know more.
Improve your rifle catches, get that BAP, and achieve greater precision, power, and confidence in every catch!
No prior experience necessary to get started.
100% online. Access your courses anytime, anywhere, at your own pace—perfect for busy schedules and different time zones.
Video guided training exercises, choreography, tosses, warmups, PDF's, and more, covering all levels.
Courses designed for both individuals and teams to enhance equipment skills, while giving instructors tools to better educate their groups.
Optional feedback to help refine learned skills and accelerate development, all while maintaining flexibility in learning. Perfect for both anyone wanting to "check their work" while learning.
Read some testimonials below to find out what others are saying about TGWS Academy!
Thrilled to announce that the TGWS Academy All-Access Pass is available for $15/month!
For a single monthly subscription, you gain unlimited access to all courses. Beginners, advanced learners, instructors, band directors, enthusiasts and everyone in between; there's something for everyone.
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