Trusted by thousands of performers & instructors around the world. 🏳️


No prior experience necessary to get started.

  • 100% online. Access your courses anytime, anywhere, at your own pace—perfect for busy schedules and different time zones.

  • Video guided training exercises, choreography, tosses, warmups, PDF's, and more, covering all levels.

  • Courses designed for both individuals and teams to enhance equipment skills, while giving instructors tools to better educate their groups.

  • Optional feedback to help refine learned skills and accelerate development, all while maintaining flexibility in learning. Perfect for both anyone wanting to "check their work" while learning.

What are people saying?

Read some testimonials below to find out what others are saying about TGWS Academy!


I can't tell you how thankful I am that you made this affordable for all to learn from. Today was our first day of camp and I felt so much more prepared!

Wren R

You have no idea how much these help me! I've been teaching myself for a few months now and your courses have been a GOD SEND!

Michael S

You seriously have given me so much confidence! I find myself posting about colorguard more often because of you and it feels so good to show the world what I love to do so thank you so much!


I just wanted to say thank you for these videos because l've followed you since November 2021 when I was looking for tutorials to learn how to do tosses for my audition and I tore my ACL mid season but your videos have motivated me to get back to guard and I still have a few months before I can get to it but you're one of the most inspirational people I've seen on the internet, thank you so much!

Laney L

Hey Robert! I have always struggled with creating but watching and learning your process for writing a piece has really helped me out a lot with trying to create my own content. Hopefully sometime I will be posting some of my own flag work and I wanted you to know that even though you don't know me you have definitely made a big impact in the way that I approach color guard.

Andres S

I just wanted to tell you that you are so amazing and you inspire me so much honestly if it weren't for you I don't think I would've made captain this past year and inspired me to tryout for captain again!


Also! I bought the rifle choreography lessons on your website and I'm loving it so far!

Designed For Everyone


    Enhance your skills and refine your techniques with expertly crafted, easy-to-follow video lessons. Learn from a decade of experience and enjoy the flexibility of practicing individually or with friends!


    Get started on an exciting journey with accessible, step-by-step lessons tailored for beginners. Unlock new skills, transform your spinning, and join a supportive community of passionate performers!


    Grow your knowledge base so you can help your team with whatever they need at any time. Learn tips, tricks, and even get downloadable PDF's to share with your team!


    Elevate your teaching with innovative techniques and invaluable insights. Seamlessly integrate these comprehensive lessons into your curriculum and empower your students to reach their full potential.


    Understand the technicalities and mechanics of a crucial part of the marching band program! With science based, visual instruction focused on helping you learn the in's and out's of colorguard.

All-Access Pass

Thrilled to announce that the TGWS Academy All-Access Pass is available for $15/month!

For a single monthly subscription, you gain unlimited access to all courses. Beginners, advanced learners, instructors, band directors, enthusiasts and everyone in between; there's something for everyone.


Got Questions?

Want to know how other instructors do something? Want to find out if other performers struggle with a skill too? Ask it in The Spin Club to get some answers!

Instructor Robert Jordan

Robert Jordan is a passionate marching arts instructor, designer, and choreographer with over a decade of experience within the color guard activity. Having had the opportunity to perform with world renowned organizations such as Fantasia Winterguard and The Blue Devils Drum & Bugle Corps, he has since devoted his career to sharing his expertise with instructors and students from all around the world. Previously based in Southern California, Robert was the Director of a multitude of programs including Citrus Hill High School, Redlands East Valley, High School and more, refining his skills in design, choreography, and technical program development. Now residing in St. Louis, Missouri, he works as a designer, choreographer, and consultant, collaborating with multiple programs, hundreds of instructors, and thousands of students across six countries to make the marching arts accessible to people of all levels and backgrounds. In the fall of 2019, Robert traveled to Surabaya & Jakarta, Indonesia, where he helped build, dictate, and set the technical equipment foundation that is still in use today by CGIND. With a dedication to supporting both experienced performers and beginners, Robert is enthusiastic about sharing his knowledge and experience with anyone and everyone. He is committed to helping others improve their skills, establish consistency in their technique, and elevate their overall knowledge of the colorguard activity.

Disclaimer: Any third-party content or media displayed, including but not limited to pictures and videos shown, does not reflect an official partnership, sponsorship, or endorsement of any kind.