Helpful Concepts You’ll Dive Into

These are just some of the important topics that will be discussed in this course!

  • ⚖️ Mastery of Momentum ⚖️

    Understanding how to control and utilize the momentum of the sabre is crucial for both beginners and experienced performers.

  • 🤚🏽 Hand Placement ✋🏽

    Learning the correct hand placements and grip variations is essential for performing various techniques and maintaining control of the sabre.

  • 🌀 Rotational Energy 🌀

    Mastering different types of swings and rotational momentum helps performers execute complex moves and develop a better understanding of the sabre's physics.

  • 🏋🏽 Light & Heavy Energy 🏋🏽

    Being able to differentiate between and apply light and heavy energy in various techniques enhances the performer's expressiveness and control.

  • 💡 Tips for Success 💡

    Practical guidelines and self-assessment checkpoints help performers refine their skills and identify areas for improvement.

  • 🙋🏽‍♂️ Toss Technique 🙋🏽‍♂️

    Perfecting techniques, like precise release points and approaches to the catch, are essential for consistently executing tosses.

  • ↕️ Body Placement ↕️

    Developing awareness of body placement and level changes contributes to a more fluid and dynamic performance.

  • 🧑🏽‍🏫 Instructor Perspective 🧑🏽‍🏫

    Focusing on aspects most important to instructors, such as teaching methods, common challenges, and opportunities for deepening their own knowledge.

Course Curriculum

What you'll learn in this course

    1. Welcome!

    2. Meet The Instructor

    3. The OMEGA Learning Method

    4. Sabre Anatomy

    5. Where To Purchase A Sabre

    6. Check Your Space

    1. Exercise: Spins

    2. Quiz: Spins

    3. Exercise: Wrist Rotations

    4. Quiz: Wrist Rotations

    5. Exercise: Catch Tape Training

    6. Quiz: Catch Tape Training

    7. Standard Toss: Single

    8. Blade Toss: Single

    9. Let's talk about the different types of hand grips!

    10. Video Check-In (Optional)


    2. Exercise: Tracks

    3. Quiz: Tracks

    4. Exercise: Thumb Flips

    5. Quiz: Thumb Flips

    6. Exercise: Backhands

    7. Quiz: Backhands

    8. Exercise: Hard Singles

    9. Quiz: Hard Singles

    10. Standard Toss: Double

    11. Let's talk about where that sabre should be rotating!

    12. Blade Toss: Double

    13. Video Check-In (Optional)


    2. What did you learn from Level 2?

    3. Exercise: Swing Study

    4. Quiz: Swing Study

    5. Exercise: Consecutive Singles

    6. Quiz: Consecutive Singles

    7. Exercise: Hilt Madness

    8. Quiz: Hilt Madness

    9. Standard Toss: Triple

    10. Blade Toss: Triple

    11. Video Check-In (Optional)

    12. Congratulations! Here's a few more resources...

Sabre Book - Technique & Tosses

  • $40.00
  • 41 lessons