Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this free to signup?

    Yes! It is completely FREE to signup for an account so you can access the community content and free previews of any course!

  • I am just accessing a FREE preview, why do I need to signup/sign in?

    By creating (or logging into) an account, even for a free preview, you help ensure a secure, personalized, and efficient learning environment for all users, of all ages. Registering allows tailored content specifically to your interests, let's you track your progress accurately, and provides you with updates and resources. Additionally, it helps us maintain high standards in virtual public areas, ensuring that everyone in our diverse community can learn in a safe and supportive setting. Sign up for an account for FREE today to start your journey—it's quick, free, and the first step toward accessing a wealth of learning opportunities.

  • Is this for students or instructors?

    TGWSAcademy has courses and communities for everyone! Students wanting to get better or learn new equipment, instructors wanting more information on how to teach a concept or exercise, band directors needing to lead guard classes or sectionals, even alumni wanting to spin again!

  • Can I close my account at any time?

    Yes! You can close your account at any time. You can also cancel your subscription by heading to My Account, then Billing, and selecting whichever subscription or pass you'd like to cancel.

  • How do I access the Critique & Members sections?

    The Critique section is only available to All-Access Pass Members. If you have an active All-Access Pass, you can login above. If you do not have an active All-Access Pass, you can purchase a pass by selecting "Courses", then 'All-Access Pass'.