Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this free to signup?

    Yes! It is completely FREE to signup for an account so you can access the community content and free previews of any course!

  • Is this for students or instructors?

    TGWSAcademy has courses and communities for everyone! Students wanting to get better or learn new equipment, instructors wanting more information on how to teach a concept or exercise, band directors needing to lead guard classes or sectionals, even alumni wanting to spin again!

  • Can I close my account at any time?

    Yes! You can close your account at any time. Visit Billing here for more info:

  • How do I access the Critique section?

    The Critique section is only available to All-Access Pass Members. If you have an active All-Access Pass, you can login above. If you do not have an active All-Access Pass, you can purchase a pass by selecting "Courses", then 'All-Access Pass'.