Benefits of a Team Pass

  • Group Discount

    Exclusive 30% off discount as a thank you to any groups using TGWS Academy.

  • Progress Tracking

    Optional Weekly Progress reports to keep track of your groups learning.

  • Expert Guidance

    Insights and tips from a seasoned professional that enhance your knowledge.

  • Skill Gap Closure

    The ability for all of your students, a specific line, or a group of spinners to enhance their skills at varying difficulty levels.

  • Exclusive Resources

    Get exclusive materials, videos, and tools to utilize throughout your season that are not available to the general public.

  • Personal Development

    Lessons have an underlying focus on personal growth, technical discipline, and the development of a strong work ethic to achieve goals.

How To Purchase Team Passes

Step-by-step guide on how to purchase and use the team passes.


Decide how many passes you are purchasing. 
You can purchase between 5 and 50 passes!


Head to the payment page.
If purchasing by check, email [email protected].


Input the amount of passes you want at the top. 
Then fill out the required information and checkout.


Receive your Team Passes.
You can then share these passes with your group.